What is the Healthiest Tea Option for Working Moms?
You love your job and raising your family and part of that includes wearing many hats. But sometimes we overcommit and just need an energy rejuvenation. Our mission at Tealeavz is to share ideas with you that we think may help with whatever is going on in your life and how tea can play an important role! I hope you enjoy this new piece by our guest author!
Do you ever feel completely drained after working all day? Have you ever craved an energy drink that could rejuvenate your senses and refresh your mind? Finding the right energy drink at the right moment can be difficult for a working mother. After a hectic day, you still need energy to take care of the kids, home, and family. So, you need to ensure that your body gets the best options available. One drink that really helps you to get rid of the tiredness is – tea. There are many tea varieties available, however, all tea blends might not be suitable for you. So, you need to know “what is the healthiest tea” for a woman?
1 - Green Tea
The choice for most women starts with green tea, the fat fighter. If you are overweight or want to keep your present figure in control, then green tea works the best. It burns around 7% more abdominal fat compared to other caffeinated beverages. This also keeps you healthy by lowering the BMI, helping reduce the chance of skin cancer, and helping to prevent heart strokes. In order to avoid the bitterness, the steeping time for this tea would be three minutes.
2 – Ginger Tea
Nothing can beat the taste of ginger tea. After getting up tired in the early morning, you need to have a cup of this tea. It miraculously gives you an energetic freshness. It is also beneficial to ease muscle pain, treat morning sickness, improve digestion, help blood circulation, and help relieve menstrual pain, sore throat, a cold or even a hangover. The steeping time for this is 5 minutes.
3 – Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is quite refreshing and minty. After you return home, you can have a cup of this tea, while sitting comfortably in front of the television or on the balcony, reading a favorite book, and taking small sips of this tea. Not only it helps to reduce your frustration and makes you alert, but it also helps with digestion, relieves headache, eases menstrual cramps, and freshens breath. The steeping time for this is 5 to 7 minutes.
4 - Black Tea
A stronger flavor option over peppermint or ginger tea is black tea. It may help to relieve viruses in the mouth and aid your body to recuperate quickly. It also may help prevents ovarian cancer, heart disease, skin infection, and cystitis. This can be a great thing to drink in the morning and can even be great iced if you are not the biggest fan of hot tea.
The responsibility of a woman does not only lie with taking care of the family. You need to take care of yourself as well. By ingesting good and healthy drinks, you are giving your body the necessary building blocks for manufacturing hormones and tissues. Drinking healthy tea can help bring a significant change to your mood swings, make your skin glow, and give you a sense of energy and well-being.
Written by Natalie Bracco for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.
Check out some of our best-selling teas - popular also with other moms! Happy steeping!