Is Green Tea Acidic? Or is Green Tea Alkaline?

Is green tea acidic or is green tea alkaline?
Diana L

Being aware of acidity levels in the food and beverages we consume is important. Some researchers claim that consuming items with too much acidity can be bad for our health causing inflammation, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and chronic pain. Before you head out on a mission to avoid or eliminate acidic items from your diet, learn what pH levels are and which foods are acidic or alkaline. This can help you decide whether avoiding acidic foods is beneficial to you or not.


How much acidity is safe in tea?

Acidity levels are measured on a pH scale. It's actually the opposite of what you might think. High acidity means it has a low pH value, while a high pH value means the tea is more alkaline.

The perfect balance of alkaline and acidity is considered pH7. The pH level of most teas is neutral and negligible. 


Is green tea acidic or alkaline?

The level of acidity in tea varies depending on the type of tea. Each type of tea has different degrees of alkalinity and acidity. Older, more tender, and weak tea leaves are considered more acidic. Black and green tea are actually less acidic than coffee. 

tea talk is green tea acidic

Average pH level in different types of tea:

  • Black tea: pH4.99-5.55
  • Oolong tea: pH5.9-8.2. 
  • Herbal tea: pH6-7
  • White tea: pH6.9-9.7
  • Green tea: pH7-10

Based on the list above, green tea is more alkaline than acidic. 

Water is neutral so adding more water or milk to the more acidic teas minimizes the effect. Reducing the steeping time of the tea can also reduce acidity. After five minutes of steeping, tea starts to release more acid, with the level greatly increasing after 15 minutes of steeping. Most loose-leaf brewed teas don't require a long steep and taste best when steeped between 2-5 minutes. 


Does green tea stain your teeth?

Green tea is no worse the tea staining culprit than many other foods we enjoy on a daily basis. Since green tea is more alkaline than acidic, the stains on teeth are more likely caused by something else in your diet.

The acid found in food such as citrus fruits, candy, soft drinks, tomato sauce, wine, and vinegar can weaken tooth enamel, making your teeth susceptible to staining. And of course, coffee has long been known to make your teeth vulnerable to stains by other foods, by altering the mouth's overall pH balance.

Some studies suggest that adding a splash of milk or cream to your tea may reduce the tendency of green tea to stain your teeth. Raw veggies can also create a protective oral environment that may help protect teeth from staining. But if veggies aren't pairing well with your cup, just remember to brush your teeth afterward to help reduce the risk of staining. 

is green tea acidic

Does green tea or black tea have more caffeine?

The difference in the level of caffeine between green tea and black tea starts with how the leaves are processed. Black tea leaves are first rolled and then exposed to air to allow the leaves to oxidize, while green tea leaves are processed to prevent oxidation.

Due to the higher degree of fermentation, black tea has more caffeine than green tea. Green tea contains about 35 mg per 8-ounce cup on average. Caffeine levels of black tea can vary depending on the type of tea ranging from 39–109 mg per 8 ounces.

Studies have shown that the brewing method, more than the processing method, controls the caffeine level in tea. Using hotter water, steeping longer, or using a higher ratio of leaves to water can all increase the caffeine level in your cup.


What does green tea taste like?

Many green tea varieties are available, with flavors such as spiced, ginger, nutty, minty, buttery, floral, or fruity. After exploring various green teas, if you still feel it has a grassy or bitter taste, you may wonder how to make green tea taste better? Or how to sweeten green tea?

In general, we don't recommend trying to sweeten green tea. Milk and sugar don't complement the flavor of green tea as they do for black tea. Instead, try other types of green tea until you find the flavor that suits your palate. Or experiment with the temperature or steep time which may be causing the bitterness.


How long to steep green tea

Steep time is very important for green tea. Over-steeping will make green tea more bitter. Some more delicate Japanese steamed teas are ready to enjoy after a 20-30 second steep, while Jasmine Pearls needs four minutes to allow the buds to unfurl. On average, green tea should be steeped for three minutes.

Water temperature is also key to the perfect cup of tea. While using near-boiling water to make black tea is ok, steeping your green tea at that temperature can turn the freshest of tea into a bitter cup. We recommend steeping green teas in simmering water, around 150° to 180°F.


Does green tea boost the immune system?

The Camellia Sinensis plant is rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols. In green tea, these polyphenols are called catechins, with EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) being the most active and well-known catechin. Green tea also contains other impressive compounds, such as the amino acid L-theanine is known to help relaxation, boost mental focus, and increase immune responses. 

So if you're looking for a simple, effective immunity boost, have another cup of green tea. The anti-viral properties of green tea may actually help suppress the strength of the virus by altering the structure of the virus itself and blocking its ability to infect other cells. This powerful aid is impressive against fighting the initial bug, as well as improving the recovery time.


Does green tea expire?

How long does green tea last? All teas, if not stored properly, can lose aroma, color, and flavor over time. As a more delicate leaf than other teas, the shelf life of green tea will be shorter if stored improperly.

For ideal freshness, enjoy your green tea within six months. To maximize shelf life, keep oxygen and sunlight out by using an airtight seal to store your tea. Stored properly, green tea can be good for more than a year.

difference between matcha and green tea

What is the difference between green tea and matcha? 

Matcha is a Japanese green tea powder made from finely ground and dried tea leaves that have recently become popular in the US due to its amazing health benefits. If a vegetal taste is not your cup of tea, try it in delicious flavored varieties such as blueberry, and vanilla

With about 68 mg of caffeine per cup, matcha green tea powder is more than twice the caffeine of typical green tea. Since you are consuming the entire tea leaf as a powder, the antioxidants in matcha are also much more concentrated. One cup of matcha equates to about three cups of green tea.


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