Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

Matcha is a very finely ground green tea powder from special shade-grown tea plants. Matcha powder provides 10x the health benefits of regular green tea. The recognizable green color and unique flavor of this matcha green tea ice cream recipe provide the benefits of matcha in a deliciously creamy treat.
- 2 c Heavy cream
- 1 c Whole milk
- 1/4 tsp Salt
- 3 Egg yolks
- 2/3 c Sugar (If you are using a sweetened matcha, reduce this amount of sugar by taste)
- 2 tablespoons of Matcha (any grade of matcha is fine)
In a heavy sauce pan, bring cream, milk, and salt just to a boil, stirring occasionally.
In a bowl, whisk together egg yolks, sugar, and matcha until the yolks are smooth and creamy. The matcha will not be fully dissolved yet at this point, but don't worry.
Whisking continuously, slowly pour hot cream in a steady stream into the matcha mixture. Once ingredients are combined, pour the mixture back into the pan. Heat over moderately low heat while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
Continue stirring until the mixture registers 170° and is thick enough to coat the back of the spoon. Do not let it boil!
Immediately pour the resulting custard through a fine sieve into a clean bowl to remove any tiny pieces of cooked egg. Let cool until warm. Place a piece of plastic wrap, wax paper, or parchment paper directly on the surface of the custard. Transfer to the refrigerator to chill for at least 3 hours or up to a day.
Freeze custard in an ice cream maker, then transfer it to an airtight container. Allow this superfood matcha ice cream to harden in the freezer.

Don't have an ice cream machine?
No problem, you can still make this delicious homemade ice cream without a machine.
After you have chilled the custard mixture for 3 hours, pour the mixture into a square baking dish. A glass or metal pan will work, however, a metal pan will speed up the freezing process.
Place the pan in the freezer. After 90 minutes, whisk the mixture while scraping the sides of the pan. Break up any frozen chunks and return the pan to the freezer.
After 45 minutes, whisk the mixture again, again scraping the sides of the pan well. With a sturdy whisk, whip the mixture it begins to freeze. Each time, quickly return the mixture to the freezer.
Check your mixture again after 30 minutes and repeat the whisk and scrape. Repeat this process 2 more times at 30-minute intervals.
By now your mixture should begin to thicken to the consistency of a slushy soft serve. If you prefer airier or fluffier ice cream, you can continue to repeat these steps as long as you desire.
Ice cream without a machine typically takes 3-4 hours to freeze to a soft-serve consistency.
Once it reaches the desired consistency, serve it or cover it with a lid and return it to the freezer. Ice cream made without a machine will freeze to a very firm consistency after a day or so in the freezer. Thaw at room temperature after 10-15 minutes for a perfectly scoop-able dessert.
How much caffeine is in green tea ice cream?
Green tea ice cream contains approximately 25 mg of caffeine per serving. One-half cup is considered 1 serving.